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  • Expanding business
  • Domestic and foreign
    railroad operators
  • Participating as a
    PM service Provider

The Korea¡¯s best private railroad operator providing momentum in business innovation for the existing railroad operators!

By adapting Korea's first driverless Heavy Rail Transit(HRT) system and advanced operation methods expected to improve intercity metro
management, promote business innovation based on performance, customer satisfaction service and accident-free driverless operation
focusing on passengers' safety and convenience

PM/SE Service Overview table
PM/SE Service Overview
Conduct process integration
and support timely opening
  • - Estimation and analysis of master schedule delay (CP*) and suggest recovery plan
  • - Providing solution to CP* impeding factors
  • * CP: Critical Path
Driverless HRT system completion support
  • - Analysis of compliance with RFP & Specifications
  • - Prevention of interface non-conformance between core systems
Driverless system operation support
  • - Supporting operation and maintenance structure plan
  • - Supporting driverless operation emergency response structure plan
  • - Establishment of advanced operation system through transferring and adapting leading driverless metro operation methods
Driverless system operation support
  • - Periodic/non periodic reporting (PM status and report on weekly, monthly basis)
  • - Consultancy and advisory service on technical issues and interface management